If you are interested in becoming an AGES officer, have specific announcements for graduate engineering students, or any comments or questions, please contact us at ENGR-AGES@email.wustl.edu or yany1@wustl.edu for more information.

To subscribe to the AGES mailing list, please send an email to lyris@lists.cec.wustl.edu with “Subscribe ages” in the email, or contact Yu Yan at the email address provided above.

Departmental Contacts

Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

Philip Bayly – pvb@wustl.edu

Electrical & Systems Engineering

Bruno Sinopoli – bsinopoli@wustl.edu

Computer Science & Engineering

Roch Guerin – guerin@wustl.edu

Energy, Environmental, & Chemical Engineering

Joshua Yuan – joshua.yuan@wustl.edu

Biomedical Engineering 

Lori Setton – setton@wustl.edu