Past Events
AGES Panel and Networking Reception
Join AGES for a Panel and Networking Reception with industry partners and graduate engineering students. Hear from five employers across various industries as they share valuable insights on navigating the job search, transitioning to the industry, exploring career paths, and in-demand skills. After the panel discussion, mingle and network with panelists and other employers to discover an array of career opportunities. Ask questions about job roles, projects, challenges, and industry trends to gain a better understanding of your future in the engineering field. No need to bring a resume or CV. Don’t miss this opportunity to make meaningful connections and advance your career!
In addition, we will have a student photographer available to take headshots for engineering graduate students. This is an excellent opportunity to get a professional headshot taken for your LinkedIn profile, resume, or other professional purposes. We have limited spots available for the headshot sessions, so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
5:15 Arrive
5:30-6:30 Panel Discussion (Whitaker 100)
6:30– 8:00 Networking (Whitaker Atrium)/Headshots (Whitaker 220)
Free: Food and drinks will be served.

AGES Spring Formal
Hi Engineers, after months of planning and preparation, we are excited to announce that the 1st AGES Spring Formal is coming! The AGES Spring Formal is an off-campus event for the WashU Engineering Graduate Students to enjoy a formal dance event and meet new friends.
Come for the live DJ, photo booth, dancing, and live glass-blowing show on March 23, 2023, from 6-10 pm at Third Degree Glass Factory. Wear semiformal attire and bring a plus one if you like – even if they are not a WashU student.
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased via the QR code below or Each ticket consists of a sit-down dinner catering by Tony Marino’s and 3 drink tickets.

Holiday Party
Mark your calendar! AGES will be sponsoring a holiday party on Friday, December 9, 5pm-7pm. Showcase your favorite Christmas Sweater and join us for holiday celebration!
When? Friday, December 9, 5pm-7pm
Where? Whitaker Atrium
What? Ugly Christmas Sweater contest, pasta, and free drinks We are looking forward to having you join us for the event. We will have a Christmas Sweater context. The students with the crowds favorite sweater wins a Grub hub Gift card. The food will be catered by Noodles & Company.Please RSVP to make sure that we can prepare enough food & drinks. If you plan to consume alcohol, please bring photo ID.

WashU at the ZOO
Greetings, Engineers! AGES will collaborate with GPC in hosting the GPC Zoo Event to celebrate GPC’S 30th anniversary. AGES reserved 60 tickets for Engineering graduate students and if you are interested in celebrating the event with us, pay here!

Weekly Coffee Hour
AGES will host a weekly coffee hour on Thursday starting from 12pm to 1pm. Join us at 2nd floor common space of Brauer Hall. We are looking forward to seeing you there. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

Monthly Happy Hour
AGES will be sponsoring a Happy Hour on Friday, 18 Nov. at International Tap House, Delmar . We are encouraging existing graduate engineering students to attend. Bring your lab mates and we will see you there! If you plan to consume alcohol, please bring photo ID. Come mingle with your peers in the graduate engineering community!
Location: iTap on the Delmar Loop
Time: Nov 18, Friday, 5-7 PM
RSVP is strongly recommended!!!
We will provide 2 drink tickets and fall themed charcuterie boards catered from The Lou Charcuterie 🍁🍂

Pumpkin & Apple Picking
AGES is sponsoring a pumpkin & apple picking trip to Eckert’s Farm in Belville, IL, just in time for you to pick your pumpkins for Halloween 🎃!
Date & Time: Saturday, October 29, 10:30 AM – 2 PM
Location: Eckert’s Farm, Belville, IL
RSVP here!

General Body Meeting
Join the AGES General Body Meeting to get to know your officers. We want to talk about all the fun events planned for the upcoming weeks: A welcome to the new student happy hour, float trip, engineering ball, and much more. If you are interested in being more involved and helping out at events feel free to reach out and become an officer-at-large.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Annual Float Trip
AGES usually holds a float trip tour at the beginning of the fall semester. 2022 Float trip will be held on Saturday, 17th September at Old Cove Canoe & Kayak. Registration will be open soon!
Engineering Alumni Q&A series – collecting questions for alumni!
AGES will host an Engineering Alumni Q&A series with WashU engineering alumni to share their experiences of navigating a successful career after graduation. We’re interested in what you want to hear from WashU Engineering alumni! Fill out this google form ASAP! Contact Yue Rao at if you have any questions.
AGES Spring Networking Event – Volunteer needed!
AGES will host the 7th Spring Networking Event in Spring 2023 for graduate students. This is a traditional annual event. We’re looking for volunteers now. If you are interested in planning this event and creating connections with industrial or academic representatives, fill out this google form ASAP! Contact Yue Rao at if you have any questions.
Middle/High School Student Workshop – (Volunteer Application Closed)
• Time: Early-Mid September (more details coming soon)
• Location: Danforth Campus, TBD
Science Coach is a program where students are coached to create advanced authentic science research projects. AGES will be working with Science Coach students in the St. Louis region who are interested in pursuing an engineering research project. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce students to the different disciplines of engineering and help them brainstorm and develop initial research plans.
This workshop is a great opportunity to give back to the community! If you are interested in helping, please fill out this google form ASAP or email Suzanne Russo at